Hardware and Software Requirements

Before starting the IEAK wizard, check the amount of disk space you have available in the Program Files folder and on the destination drive (where you build your customized package). The destination drive can be, but isn't required to be, on the same computer.

Depending on how many Internet Explorer components you plan to install, you will need between 43 MB and 59 MB of free space available in the Program Files folder and on the destination drive. Add to this estimate any custom components you plan to install at the same time.

The disk-space requirements are as follows:

This version of the IEAK works on Windows 95 (or later), Windows NT 4.0 Server, and Windows NT 4.0 Workstation.

You must install Internet Explorer 4.0 before running the IEAK wizard. If Internet Explorer 4.0 is not installed, the wizard may appear to run, but it will not build your customized package correctly.

To run Internet Explorer 4.0, your system must meet the following minimum requirements: